The art and science of


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Happy Students
800+ Reviews  •  Excellent


Join the world's fastest growing community for experts, coaches, and creators.


What all you get:
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Access to the Blair Singer Private Community
Pre-recorded Courses
Pre-recorded Modules:
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
What is the Little Voice -1S 8L
Four Problems: The Most Crippling Little Voice Issues 1 S 5 L
Art of Sales and Business Master Class
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Setting the stage to explode your Income - Why Sales, Why now and a couple myth busters
How to harvest millions of dollars that are sitting on the table – Understanding your selling cycle
The Art of Getting into Their World – Rapport, Discovery and Trust
LIttle Voice Courses
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
What is the Little Voice?
Four Problems: The Most Crippling Little Voice Issues
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Sales Diagnostics
Team Diagnostics
LVM Diagnostics
Self-Sabotage Eliminator tool - pdf
21 Mistakes that Presenters Make - pdf
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Access to the Blair Singer Private Community
Sales Diagnostics
Team Diagnostics
Little Voice Mastery Diagnostics
6 Audio / Video Courses
2 Training Worksheets


What all you get:
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Access to the Blair Singer Private Community
Practice Sessions
Community access
Monthly Q&A
Ticketed access:
Online Live 3-day program - Trainer Accelerator Workshop
Pre-recorded Courses of previous level +
Pre-recorded Modules:
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Little Voice Mastery Challenge 1 S 22 L
Gaining Level 10 Confidence 1 S 7 L
Art of Sales and Business Master Class
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
The Science of Sales Management and it’s NOT about Control!
Making a Powerful Sales Presentation that compels others to buy
Building the Ideal Sales Dream Team
LIttle Voice Courses
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Overcoming Procrastination
Gaining Level 10 Confidence
Authenticity: Resurrecting the Hero in You
21 Day Little Voice Mastery Challenge
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Story Board Creator - pdf
COH Creator
Everything in
Dreamer +
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Online Live program - Trainer Accelerator Workshop
Practice Sessions
Monthly Q&A
21 Day Little Voice Mastery Challenge
12 Audio / Video Courses
2 Creator Worksheets
Gamification Rewards


Annual Subscription
Everything in
Apprentice +
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Online Live Program - Powerful Sales Presentations program
Art of Sales and Business audio course
Little Voice Mastery & Goal Setting courses
Sales Mastery video courses
Entreprenuer Mastery video courses
Startup Assessment Checklist and steps
Gamification Rewards
What all you get:
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Access to the Blair Singer Private Community
Practice Sessions
Monthly Mastermind
Ticketed access:
Online Live 4 Day Program - Master Facilitator Program
Pre-recorded Courses previous level +
Pre-recorded Modules:
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Insights from Mack Newton
Masterclass with Rajiv
Code of honor - part 1
What is the code and why is it important
Life & Business Lessons from Kilimanjaro with Blair Singer
Art of Sales and Business Master Class
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Selling to your strengths for more profit
The truth and steps to closing
10 Ways to find people with money who are looking for you – Lead Generation
Team Code of Honor (Team Building)
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
The Skills to Succeed in business and in Life
What is the Code and Why is it Important?
The Dream Team
Create the Code of Honor - part 1
Sales Mastery
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Finding People with Money
Approach and Contact
Powerful Presentations
Handling Any Objections Anytime
Entrepreneur Mastery Series
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - Assessment
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - PERT
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - Systems
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - Leader
Entrepreneur Fundamentals
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Master Class with Rajiv Talreja
Life & Business Lessons from Kilimanjaro
Insights from Mack Newton
Project Evaluation Review Technique (P.E.R.T.)
Mastering your selling Cycle
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Mastering your selling cycle
Finding People with Money
Connecting and Contacting for profit
Revealing the Problems through Discovery
Constructing a Sales Presentation that Sells
The simple closing sequence that produces cash
Collecting the Money
The final Steps that guarantee more income
Get Started


Annual Subscription
What all you get:
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Access to the Blair Singer Private Community
Practice Sessions
Community access
Monthly Q&A
Ticketed access:
Online Live 3 day Program - Powerful Sales Presentations program
Pre-recorded Courses previous level +
Pre-recorded Modules:
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Entrepreneur Pathway Series - 1 section 4 lectures
Art of Sales and Business Master Class
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Turning more NO’s into YES’s – art of objection handling
The most lucrative part of the Selling cycle and its NOT the close- The art of money making testimonials
Closing the toughest sale of all – YOU! - state management and manufacturing the mood you need instantly
LIttle Voice Courses
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Steps to Little Voice Mastery, Discipline, Success and Winning
Sales Mastery
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
To Sell or Not to Sell
Playing to your Strengths
Mastering the Cycle
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - 1-4 Class
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - Intro
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - Mission
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - Code of Honor
Entrepreneur Mastery Series - Goals
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Startup Assessment Checklist and steps
Everything in
Speaker/Trainer +
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Online Live Program - Master Facilitator Program
Practice Sessions
Monthly Mastermind
12 Art of Sales and Business audio course
4 Team Code of Honor video course
15 Sales Mastery & Selling Cycle video courses
4+  Entreprenuer Mastery video courses
3 Entreprenuer Fundamentals video courses
8 Project Evaluation Review Technique (P.E.R.T.)
Gamification Rewards


Annual Subscription
Everything in
Facilitator +
Connect Before You Correct
Child's Listening Skills
Harnessing Positive Emotions
Building Self-Esteem & Image
Building Mental Fortitude
Anchoring for Success
Live in person - Ultimate Personal Development Program
Practice Sessions
Monthly Mastermind
4+ Team Code of Honor video course
15+ Sales Mastery & Selling Cycle video courses
3+ Entreprenuer Fundamentals video courses
Business Performance System
Gamification Rewards


Happy Students Say

of Students trained successfully*

Blair is truly a magician and brings out the best in people. Besides learning how to be a successful trainer, I have learned "how to be.“

Blair is truly a magician and brings out the best in people. Besides learning how to be a successful trainer, I have learned "how to be.“

Suruchi Shah
Mental Health Counselor

During the Diamond coaching with Blair, I recovered the entire amount I paid for the Diamond before the program was over. The PERT chart magically changed my life. I planned 3 months in advance and launched my landing pages, webinar integrations, LMS, and 4 webinars. My coaching skills have become better leading to more than 8 amazing testimonial videos from my clients and more than 40 Google reviews received from 50 people attending the workshop. I am excited on how things are taking shape. I now see myself as a great coach and a great closer in LIVE webinars.

Ritu Agarwal

Being mentored by Blair has been a life changing experience! He is one of the most impactful mentors in my life.
He not only sharpened my coaching skills, but Blair helped me to become a better human being.
I am deeply grateful for his invaluable insights and encouragement that has had a very profound effect on my journey.

Sangita Chauhan
Personal Coach

When I took Blair Singer's Master Facilitator Program, the version of me that came out of the room on the fourth day was a totally different version of me than entered the training on day one. The new version was more equipped, more empowered and more self-reliant. And more than that, a better human being. I feel truly blessed to be part of the Diamond Coaching close-knit community. We are making more of other people. We feel big within ourselves. It has empowered me and the other students to be better versions of ourselves as we become great teachers, trainers and leaders.

Dr. Anupam Agarwal
Consultant Orthodontist

After completing Blair’s training, I have completely discovered a whole new way to lead my team. Not only lead, but discover what people truly want by asking the right questions. I have become a better leader, teacher, coach, and facilitator.
I highly recommend Blairs programs to anyone looking to improve their overall skills. They are beneficial for life and business!
Thank you, Blair, for creating such an amazing experience!

Ricardo Delgado
Business Owner and Coach

Grateful for Blair's timeless teachings. His par excellence approach ensures what you learn stays with you for a lifetime. Forever grateful to have him in my life. I recall Blair saying about the mission was "to create the best teachers, leaders and facilitators in the world that change the way we learn." This statement got etched in my DNA. The kind of results that you can expect by being in his space are something you can't imagine. Using techniques, processes, and principles that I learned from Blair,  I have successfully generated $27,500 USD  in just 5 months!

Harmeet Kelley
Entrepreneur, Growth Strategist